Emmett Little League Will Provide the Following Uniform:
- Jersey
- Baseball Cap
- Socks
- Belt
Parents will need to provide:
- Gray Baseball Pants (must be solid gray, no stripes)
- Athletic Supporter and Cup - This is MANDATORY for ALL players during ALL practices and games. This applies to ALL age levels and divisions.
Cleats are not required, but can help prevent a child from slipping on the grass and infield dirt. Shoes with metal spikes or cleats are ONLY permitted at the Intermediate and Senior Divisions. Shoes with molded cleats are permissible at all levels. (Rule 1.11)
Little League Patch
All Little League Uniforms MUST have an official Little League Patch. Patches will be provided by Emmett Little League. The Official League Patch MUST be affixed to the upper left sleeve of the uniform jersey.
What Should My Child Wear to Practice?
Each player should come to practice wearing baseball or athletic (sweat) pants and protective cup. Shorts are NOT recommended. Players will be sliding!
Players must not wear watches, bracelets, rings, pins, and jewelry (metallic or non-metallic). Jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition is permitted. (Rule 1.11)